zip archive I would recommend to downloading MSI package. Note: If you are not sure whether to download the MSI installer file or the.
Requirementsįirst you are going to want to download the latest version of MySQL from the MySQL site. You can find additional features, commands, and details on this tool straight from the MySQL site. My local environment also consisted of using MySQL version 5.5.13 so that this information would be as up to date as possible. There are some limitations to this utility given that Winhost customers cannot add and drop databases when trying to restore a backup, so the restore section is only recommended for new empty databases. However, I am going to show you how to do just that using MySQL’s built in mysqldump.exe utility through a Windows MS-DOS prompt. What more could you ask for?Ī lot of people seem to have a problem doing backup and restoration of a MySQL database easily and quickly. It’s easy, it’s inexpensive and it’s cool.
Read more about it on our site, or activate it in Control Panel. Note: The manual methods in this tutorial are great, but if you’re looking for a “set-it-and-forget-it” automated backup solution, we now offer a site backup service that can also back up your MS SQL and MySQL databases.